January 2015

Beacon City Council Minutes
Tuesday, January 6, 2015
7:00 p.m.

I. Call to Order-Mayor Jim Hughes called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

II. General Business

A.  Review Minutes from December 2nd Meeting-
B.  Treasurer’s Report –
C.  Claims Report-
D.  Sewer Report –No report
E.  Water Reports –Jim said there was a water leak across the road from City Hall. MRW took care of the leak.
F.  Stephen Memorial Animal Shelter-2 strays, one dog, one cat picked up.
G.  Sheriff’s Report-No report

Motion to approve Consent Agenda made by Darrell Rust,seconded by Dwight Teeter. Motion approved

III. Old Business

A.  Hall Rentals-3 rentals in December. No report for how many in January.
B.  Clean-up & Animal Control-Not a whole lot going on right now.
C. Street Signs-Council members went through town and wrote down which signs needed replaced. Estimated cost of signs is around $2,200.00. City will apply for a grant for help with the costs.
D. 2nd Reading of Resolution for Street Signs-Motion to approved second reading made by Dwight Teeter, seconded by Darrell Rust. Motion to waive 3rd reading made by Darrell Rust, seconded by Ron Kauffman. Motion approved.

IV.  New Business

A. Budget-  Motion to approve budget made by Darrell Rust, seconded by Richard Thomas. Motion approved.

V. Business from the Floor

A. Snow Removal Bill-Concrete Expressions turned in a bill for 2,016.00 for snow removal. Motion made by Darrell Rust, seconded by Cecil Smith. Motion approved to pay snow removal bill.

VI. Next Scheduled Council Meeting February 3rd, 2015 @ 7:00 p.m.

VII. Adjournment-Motion to adjourn made by Dwight Teeter, seconded by Richard Thomas. Meeting adjourned.