May 2020

Beacon City Council Minutes

Tuesday, May 5th 2020

7:00 p.m.

I.    Call to Order- Mayor Jim Hughes called the meeting to order at 6:59 p.m. City Council members present: Thomas Van Der Veer, Dwight Teeter, Ron Kauffman, Richard Thomas, and Ron Ferree.

II.   General Business 

  1. Review Minutes from March 3rd Meeting
  2. Treasurer’s Report
  3. Claims Report

Motion made to approve the consent agenda made by Richard Thomas, seconded by Thomas Van Der Veer. All members voted in favor, motion approved.

 III.    Old Business           

  1. Hall Rentals- No hall rentals reported for the month of March or April
  2. Clean-up & Animal Control
    1. Stephen Memorial Animal Shelter- 1 stray animal intake reported for March.
    1. Mowing/Weed Ordinance- The City of Beacon mowing/weed ordinance has been published and has been posted at the Town Hall, Post Office, and Beacon Antiques.
    1. The Beacon City Wide Garage Sale will be on Friday, June 5th and Saturday, June 6th. There will be no City Wide clean up this year.
    1. Tom Van Der Veer will talk to Julie and James Howard about their dog that has been seen running loose.
  3. Committee Reports
  4. 412 Reid St- Ron Kauffman made a motion for the City to sell 412 Reid St by accepting bids, Ron Ferree seconded. Dwight Teeter, Richard Thomas, and Tom Van Der Veer opposed.

Thomas Van Der Veer made a motion for the City to sell 412 Reid St, seconded by Richard Thomas. Ron Kauffman and Ron Ferree voted in favor, Dwight Teeter opposed. Motion carried.

IV.    New Business

  1. Public Hearing for approval of FY2020 Budget Amendment- The mayor announced this is the time and place for the public hearing approving the FY2020 Budget Amendment. There were no oral or written comments received. The mayor declared said hearing closed.
  2. FY20 City Budget Amendment Resolution -05-05-20 entitled “A RESOLUTION AMENDING THE CURRENT BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 2020”- Resolution No. 05-05-20 entitled “A RESOLUTION AMENDING THE CURRENT BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 2020” was introduced. Tom Van Der Veer moved its approval, Ron Kauffman seconded. All members voted in favor, motion approved.
  3. 2020 Mowing- Jimz Lawn Service has provided our lawn service in the past. Tom Van Der Veer made a motion to have Jimz Lawn Service to provide our 2020 mowing service, seconded by Ron Kauffman. All members voted in favor, motion carried.
  4. City Code Codification- Council provided copies of Guidelines for Public Health Considerations of Building or Area Re-Occupancy, Unsafe Building defined, and Notice of defects as provided by Eric Dursky to Tom Van Der Veer. Tom Van Der Veer moved to table until next month, Dwight Teeter seconded. All members voted in favor, motion carried.  
  5. Open Floor- Russ Van Renterghem, Mahaska Co. Sheriff, introduced his new deputy James Arment. 

V. Next Scheduled Council Meeting Thursday, June 4th at 7 p.m.

VI. Adjournment- Motion made to adjourn by Ron Ferree, seconded by Tom Van Der Veer. All members voted in favor, motion approved. Meeting adjourned at 7:40 p.m.