May 2013

 General Checking  $            5,031.20
Shawn Maxwell mayor $150.00 $4,881.20
Lois Nicholson treasurer $194.77 $4,686.43
Jill Finneman Clerk $268.36 $4,418.07
Deanna Hornick custodian $85.00 $4,333.07
MidAmerican Energy town hall use 148.09 $4,184.98
Jill Finneman Keys $5.02 $4,179.96
MCG Telephone & Internet $90.50 $4,089.46
Transfer from savings  $                 6,000.00 $10,089.46
MidWest Sanitation town hall trash cans $3.50 $10,085.96
IA Assoc. of Municipal Util 13/14 dues $265.00 $9,820.96
JS Stafford/Prairie Farms insurance due 6/1/13 $7,001.00 $2,819.96
IA League of Cities clerk mtg. $35.00 $2,784.96
Debbie DeVore deposit refund $50.00 $2,734.96
Deposit Property Tax $2,859.67 $5,594.63
Deposit rentals $300.00 $5,894.63
IPERS monthly contribution $77.29 $5,817.34
Transfer to savings $2,800.00 $3,017.34
Transfer from road $75.00 $3,092.34
Deposit MCG $458.96 $3,551.30
Deposit Interest $0.49 $3,551.79
$8,373.53  $                 3,694.12
General Savings $80,635.38
Deposit Interest $10.17 $80,645.55
Transfer to checking $6,000.00 $74,645.55
Transfer from checking $2,800.00 $77,445.55
Alley Fund/Playground $2,148.82
Road Use Checking $4,451.15
Transfer EFT 2755.21 $7,206.36
Mid American Energy street lights $303.00 $6,903.36
Moore Construction Snow fence removal $140.00 $6,763.36
Moore Construction Elm Street Repair $2,867.78 $3,895.58
Transfer to general/dep in error $75.00 $3,820.58
Deposit Interest $0.43 $3,821.01
Totals $303.00 $0.43
Road Use Savings $120,662.98
Transfer from checking $120,662.98
Transfer EFT $120,662.98
Deposit Interest $20.50 $120,683.48
Sales Tax Checking $5,240.20
Deposit Rd Use EFT $1,495.83 $6,736.03
Deposit Option Tax $2,734.65 $9,470.68
Transfer to road checking $2,755.21 $6,715.47
MRW for March 2013 $2,734.63 $3,980.84
Deposit Interest $0.31 $3,981.15
Sales Tax Savings $21,466.46
Deposit interset  $                        1.82 $21,468.28