October 2019

Beacon City Council Minutes

Tuesday, October 8th, 2019

7:00 p.m.

Call to Order- Mayor Jim Hughes called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. City Council members present: Richard Thomas, Ron Kauffman, and Danny Fetters. City Council members absent: Cecil Smith and Dwight Teeter

  1. General Business
  2. Review Minutes from September 3rd Meeting
  3. Treasurer’s Report
  4. Claims Report

Motion made to approve the consent agenda made by Richard Thomas, seconded by Ron Kauffman. All members voted in favor, motion approved.

Old Business

  1. Hall Rentals- 3 hall rentals in the month of September
  2. Clean-up & Animal Control- No Updates
  3. Committee Reports- A culvert on Grant St appears to need replaced. Concrete Expressions will view the culvert and submit a bid. This culvert may be added to their currently contracted work.
  4. City Code Codification- No Updates
  5. New City Hall- Council reviewed materials, site options, and floor plan options for new City Hall. Council has requested U of I students to quote cement or smart siding. Council chose Site 2 that has an East-West orientation. Floor plan 2 was also chosen, however the Council has requested that 2 doors be added to the South (1 next to kitchen) and to remove the East door. Council also requested to add a 10 ft overhang to entire South side of building.
  6. 412 Reid Street- Council discussed tearing down house located and property and using for City use. Council also discussed tearing down the home and possibly selling the property. Topic was tabled until future meeting(s)
  7. City Election- November 5, 2019
  8. Resolution SFR 18-19 City Street Financial Report- SFR has been submitted
  9. Blades for brush cutter- Jim will check with McKim on getting blades for brush cutter. This may wait until next year.

New Business

  1. Resolution 10-08-19 entitled “RESOLUTION DISPOSING OF CERTAIN REAL ESTATE TO JERRY THOMPSON AND DIRECTING THE EXECUTION OF QUIT CLAIM DEED”- Said resolution was introduced. Ron Kauffman moved its approval, Danny Fetters seconded. All members voted in favor, motion approved. Whereupon the Mayor declared said resolution duly adopted.
  2. Trailer on William St- Owners have property for sale. Tabled until future meeting(s)
  3. Mahaska Co. Landfill Representative- The Council chose Richard Thomas to be the City’s Mahaska Co. Landfill representative
  4. Trick or Treat Night- Trick or Treat Night will be held on Thursday, October 31st from 6 to 8 p.m.
  5. Snow Removal- The City has received a bid for snow removal for the City of Beacon from Concrete Expressions. Council advised for the City to solicit bids for snow removal. The City Clerk will put an ad in the Oskaloosa Herald requesting bids.

Next Scheduled Council Meeting Thursday, November 7th at 7 p.m.

Adjournment- Motion to adjourn made by Richard Thomas, seconded by Ron Kauffman. All members voted in favor, motion approved. Meeting adjourned at 8:04 p.m.