February 2014

Beacon City Council Minutes
Tuesday, February 4, 2014
7:00 p.m.

I.    Call to Order-Mayor Jim Hughes called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

II.  General Business

A.  Review Minutes from January 7th and January 21st Meeting-
B.  Treasurer’s Report –
C.  Claims Report-
D. Sewer Report –
E.  Water Reports –
F.   Stephen Memorial Animal Shelter- No calls to shelter, and no pick up of strays.
G.  Sheriff’s Report-.

Motion to approve General Business made by Cecil Smith, seconded by Darrell Rust.  Motion approved.

II. Old Business:

A.  Hall Rentals- No hall rentals during February and no rentals scheduled for March.
B.  Clean-up & Animal Control-No more problems reported.
C.  2nd Reading of Council Pay- Motion made by Richard Thomas seconded by Cecil Smith to forego the third reading.  Motion approved.  Motion to approve made by Darrell Rust, seconded by Richard Thomas.  Motion approved.
D.  Tax Increase-Tabled until later.
E.  Alley Sale-Need council’s approval to put ad in the paper regarding a public hearing on March 4th property.  Motion made by Richard Thomas to approve, seconded by Darrell Rust.  Motion approved.

III.  New Business

A. Tom Mathes Alley Sale-Property owner interested in buying alley.  Council approved putting ad in newspaper regarding a public hearing on March 4th.  Tom let the Council know that they will be dividing the alley.  Motion to approve made by Richard Thomas, seconded by Darrell Rust.  Motion approved.

B. New Proposal for Run-off Election-Tabled until next month.

C. 2nd Reading of Budget-Motion to approve made to forego 3rd reading made by Darrell Rust, seconded by Richard Thomas.  Motion approved.  Motion to approve Budget made by Richard Thomas, seconded by Cecil Smith.  Motion approved.

D. NICS/CIS Training-Jim tried to get ahold of Jamie Robinson.  He will try again.

E. Phone/Answering Machine-We need someone to check messages.  Jim is checking them for now.

IV.   Business from the Floor

A. Light in Park-The light in the park is on until around 11:00 p.m.  We need to get a hold of someone to adjust the timer.

B. People burning trash at night-City ordinance states that you can’t burn at night.  Council will figure out who the property owners are and a letter will have to be sent.

C. Recycling Bin-Richard will check and see if they are going to bring it back.

D. Pick-up sticking out on the street-Owner had a flat tire.  Jim will talk to the owners about moving it.

VI. Next Scheduled Council Meeting March 4, 2014.

VII. Adjournment-Motion to adjourn made by Darrell Rust, seconded by Cecil Smith.  Motion approved.  Meeting adjourned.