December 2017

Beacon City Council Minutes

Tuesday, December 5th 2017

7 p.m.

 Call to Order- Major Jim Hughes called the meeting to order at 6:58 p.m. City Council members present: Richard Thomas, Dwight Teeter, Ron Kauffman, and Cecil Smith.


  1. Challenge Grant Opportunity- Michelle Moore, USDA Rural Development

Michelle Moore discussed the Mahaska Co. Community Foundation Grant and the city’s eligibility for USDA grants.

2. City Council Member Appointment for Council Vacancy- Ken Allsup, Shawn Maxwell, and Danny Fetters expressed their interest to fill the vacant city council member position for the period of December 2017 until the next pending city election. Danny Fetters requested that the council go to closed session to evaluate the City Council member candidates. Richard Thomas moved to hold a closed session to evaluate the City Council member candidates, Dwight Teeter seconded. All members voted in favor, the council meeting moved to a closed session.

Council returned to open session. Dwight Teeter moved to appoint Danny Fetters as City Council member for the period of December 2017 until the next pending city election, Cecil Smith seconded. All members voted in favor, motion approved. City Clerk, Jaimie Williamson, administered the Oath of Office to Danny Fetters.

General Business

  1. Review Minutes from November 8, 2017
  2. Treasurer’s Report
  3. Claims Report

Motion made to approve consent agenda made by Richard Thomas, seconded by Ron Kauffman. Dwight Teeter and Cecil Smith voted in favor, Danny Fetters abstained. Motion approved.

Old Business

  1. Hall Rentals- There were 5 hall rentals in November
  2. Clean-up and Animal Control- The Stephen Memorial Animal Shelter received two animal control calls in the month of November.
  3. Ordinance Article 14, Chapter 4- AN ORDINANCE REPEALING ARTICLE 14 CHAPTER 2 WHICH REGULATES THE RESIDENCY OF SEX OFFENDERS IN THE CITY OF BEACON, IOWA (2nd Reading). The second reading was held on Ordinance Article 14, Chapter 4 entitled “AN ORDINANCE REPEALING ARTICLE 14, CHAPTER 2 WHICH REGULATES THE RESIDENCY OF SEX OFFENDERS IN THE CITY OF BEACON, IOWA”. Richard Thomas moved to approve said ordinance, Dwight Teeter seconded. All members voted in favor, motion approved. Motion to waive 3rd reading made by Richard Thomas, seconded by Dwight Teeter. All members voted in favor, motion approved.

New Business

  1. Snow Removal 17/18- Council was presented bid from Concrete Expressions for snow removal. Motion made by Ron Kauffman to accept Concrete Expressions snow removal bid, seconded by Richard Thomas. All members voted in favor, motion approved.
  2. Ordinance Article 2, Chapter 4- AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NUMBER ARTICLE 2, CHAPTER 3, PLACES FOR PUBLIC POSTING OF ORDINANCES OR AMENDMENTS, OF BEACON, IOWA BY CHANGING THE THREE (3) PUBLIC PLACES WHERE ORDINANCES OR AMENDMENTS ARE TO BE DISPLAYED (1st Reading)- Richard Thomas moved to approve said ordinance, seconded by Ron Kauffman. All members voted in favor, motion approved.
  3. Resolution 12-05-17 “A RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE CITY OF BEACON INVESTMENT POLICY” was introduced. Richard Thomas moved its approval, Ron Kauffman seconded. All members voted in favor, motion approved. Whereupon Mayor declared said resolution duly adopted.
  4. Resolution 12-05-17(2) “A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE SALARIES OF THE CITY CLERK AND CITY TREASURER BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 2018” was introduced. Dwight Teeter moved its approval, Ron Kauffman seconded. All members voted in favor, motion approved. Whereupon Mayor declared said resolution duly adopted.
  5. Proposed sale of city owned property situated between Robert Bushey and Jerry Thompson- Council held discussion in regards to selling property. At this time, council will not move forward with selling the property.
  6. Oath of Office for two-year term beginning January 1, 2018

Jim Hughes, Mayor

Dwight Teeter, City Council Member

Richard Thomas, City Council Member

Ron Kauffman, City Council Member

Cecil Smith, City Council Member

City Clerk, Jaimie Williamson, administered the Oath of Office to Mayor Jim Hughes. Mayor Jim Hughes administered the Oath of Office to council members Dwight Teeter, Richard Thomas, Ron Kauffman, and Cecil Smith.

Adjournment- Motion to adjourn meeting made by Richard Thomas, seconded by Ron Kauffman, meeting adjourned at 8:40 p.m.

Next Meeting- Thursday, January 4th