July 2016

Beacon City Council Minutes

Tuesday, July 5th, 2016

 7:00 p.m.

Call to Order- Mayor Jim Hughes called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m. Members present: Ron Kauffman, Cecil Smith, Darrell Rust, and Dwight Teeter

General Business 

  1. Review Minutes from June 7th and June 16th Meetings-
  2. Treasurer’s Report –
  3. Claims Report-
  4. Stephen Memorial Animal Shelter- No stray animals picked up in the month of June.


Motion to approve the consent agenda made by Darrell Rust, seconded by Dwight Teeter. Motion approved.


 Old Business:             

  1. Hall Rentals- 5 hall rentals in the month of June
  2. Clean-up & Animal Control- Letters will be sent out to residents in violation of city ordinance(s).
  3. Culvert on Flora Street- One bid was received. Bid is tabled awaiting clarification that the bid included ditch cleaning.
  4. Ditch on South side of Williams Street- Waiting to receive bid(s).
  5. Mowing/Weed Control Ordinance- Letters will be sent out to residents in violation of city ordinance.
  6. Front St. Property- Jim Hughes contacted lawyer Matt Moore, however Matt was not interested in providing his services to the City of Beacon. Ron Kauffman will contact Eric Dursky regarding the property, potentially getting it condemned. Darrell Rust will talk to lawyer Michael Broerman to proceed with obtaining ownership of property. Darrell presented a bid for removal of the home from the lot and hauling to the landfill, council reviewed the bid.
  7. LOST Tax- Nothing to discuss.
  8. IEDA Nuisance/Abandoned Property Remediation Fund- One potential qualifying resident for this fund is already in the process of having an old home torn down and removed from their property.

 New Business

No new business

Next Scheduled Council Meeting Thursday, August 4th@ 7:00 p.m.

 Adjournment- Motion made to adjourn made by Ron Kauffman, seconded by Dwight Teeter. Meeting adjourned.