July 2014


Beacon City Council Minutes

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

7:00 p.m.


  1. Call to Order-Mayor Jim Hughes called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m.


  2. General Business


  1.  Review Minutes from June 3rd Meeting-

    B.  Treasurer’s Report –

    C.  Claims Report-

    D.  Sewer Report –

    E.  Water Reports –

    F.   Stephen Memorial Animal Shelter- No reports of strays of pick-ups this month.  The animal shelter sent a new contract for Council to approve.  The new contract amount is $1,654.90 which half is due on July 15, 2014.

    G.  Sheriff’s Report-No report.


    Motion to accept the consent agenda and the new animal shelter contract made by Darrell Rust    , seconded by Richard Thomas .  Motion approved.


  1. Old Business:


    A.  Hall Rentals- Four hall rentals for the month of June, five rentals are reserved for the month of July.

    B.  Clean-up & Animal Control- Everything is going well.  No complaints this month.

    C.  1st reading of amendment to Run-off Election-Mayor Jim Hughes read the 1st reading of the Ordinance to abolish the Run-off election.  Motion to approve 1st reading made by Richard Thomas, seconded by Darrell Rust.  Motion approved.

    D.  Fund Raiser for new floor-Jim and Cecil has talked to a few people about having a car show in the fall in order to raise money for the new floor in City Hall.  They discussed possibly about having  it in September.  Jim will talk to Jen Maxwell and see what she did for fun days in the past. Other thoughts were a dunk tank, food vendors. 

    E.  Street Signs-Jim doesn’t want to bother the new engineer until he gets settled into his job.  Tabled until next month.

    F.  Ditch Cleaning-Shane has started cleaning some but had to stop due to culverts and home owners not being able to pay for them.  Jim will talk to homeowners and see what we can do.  There are about four ditches that need to be cleaned.  Council will make a trip around town to see which ones need to be done. 



  2. New Business


  1.  Hazard Mitigation Meeting-Brad Grefe from Area 15 would like to hold a meeting before the next Council Meeting.  Next Council Meeting will start at 6:00 in order to hold this meeting.
  2. Nieusbaum project-Shane submitted all the paperwork.  Will talk to county engineer in the fall to see how to proceed.
  3.  Tobacco SalesAnderson’s Country store was cited for selling tobacco to minors.  The City received a letter from the Attorney General stating that the City could impose a fine.  Council decided not to impose a fine.  Motion to approve no fine made by Darrell Rust, seconded by Ron Kauffman.  Motion approved.
  4. Mark Tomb/IA League of Cities-REAP meeting will be held at the Newton Speedway on August 21.  Lois received an email and wanted to let Council members know that the meeting was open to anyone interested. 


    IV. Business from the Floor

    VI. Next Scheduled Council Meeting August 5, 2014.


    VII. Adjournment-Motion to adjourn meeting made by Dwight Teeter ,seconded by Darrell Rust.   Motion approved.  Meeting adjourned.