August 2015

Beacon City Council Minutes

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

 7:00 p.m.


I.    Call to Order- Mayor Jim Hughes called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. All members present.

II.   General Business


A.  Review Minutes from July 7th Meeting-

B.  Treasurer’s Report –

C.  Claims Report-

D.  Sewer Report –

E.  Water Reports –

F.  Stephen Memorial Animal Shelter-No report.

G.  Sheriff’s Report-


Motion to approve consent agenda made by Richard Thomas, seconded by Ron Kauffman.  Motion passed.


III.    Old Business:

A.  Hall Rentals-5 rentals in July, no report for number reserved in August..

B.  Clean-up & Animal Control-Dwight Teeter said he had a complaint about someone not mowing their grass.  The owner started mowing but hasn’t finished.  Dwight will take the City ordinance to the owner. 

C.  Street Signs-Nothing new. 

E.  Storm Sirens-Jaime was at the meeting.  He talked to USDA and they said the City need to run an ad in the Des Moines register for bids.  We have already ran one in the Oskaloosa Herald but the USDA needs it ran in a bigger newspaper. 

F.  2016 Election-Council is still working on getting their nomination papers. 

G.  Mailbox to close to road-Jim went and talked to the owner.  Jim pushed it back away from the road but told the owners that they need to move it.

H.  Tree trimming-Jim and Darrell went over to Front Street and trimmed the trees. 



IV.    New Business


  1. Street Report1st reading of Street Report. The report is due September 30, 2015.   Motion to approve report made by Richard Thomas, seconded by Darrell Rust.  Motion approved.
  2. Mayor of Oskaloosa- Wants to have a special meeting to talk about what communities are going to do with their local option sales tax.  He wants the communities to combine it for recreational purposes.  Jim will go to the meeting and report back to the council. 


VI. Next Scheduled Council Meeting Thursday, September 3, 2015 @ 7:00 p.m.


VII. Adjournment-Motion to adjourn made by Darrell Rust, seconded by  Ron Kauffman .  Motion approved.  Meeting adjourned.