February 2011

Call to order: Mayor Maxwell called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. All council members were present.

I. General Business

A. Minutes of the January 4, 2011 meeting were reviewed. Richard Thomas made a motion to approve minutes as presented and Tom VanDerVeer seconded. Motion carried.

B. Treasurer’s report was presented. Tom VanDerVeer made a motion to accept Treasurer’s report as presented and Richard Thomas seconded. Motion carried.

C. Claims to be paid from December were reviewed. Wayne Braden made a motion to accept claims as presented and Aron Whitlatch seconded. Motion carried.

D. Sewer report – Kevin Bork reported he received a call from the DNR requesting monthly reports be sent electronically. Kevin returned the call but didn’t get a live person to report his computer is not working. Kevin wanted the council to be aware in case the DNR contacted Beacon.

E. Water report –

1. Elwood Hanna – No report.

2. Collections –Shirley Mitrisin reported $8394.12 received for sewer and $5324.70 received for water usage for the month of January. 3 meters need checked and there were 2 disconnects. Council inquired if Shirley charges for new customer water meters. Shirley reported the homeowner is assessed a $100 fee for the new meter.

3. Justin Scholtus reported the water department believes there is a water leak in Beacon but the water department has been unable to locate it. They are requesting the citizens be aware and report anything suspicious to the water department.

F. Hall Rentals – Aron Whitlatch reported in the absence of Diane Whitlatch. 1 hall rental is scheduled in February. Several inquiries have been received for upcoming graduation receptions.

II. Old Business:

A. Alley Ordinance revision – Mayor Shawn Maxwell distributed copies of the revised ordinance to the council members and the City Clerk. A copy of the revised alley ordinance will be submitted to the Herald for publication. Copies for public viewing will be posted at the city hall, post office and Thomas Sanitation. A copy will be added to the Beacon Ordinance Book.

B. Annexation – Discussion was tabled.

C. City of Beacon Web page – City Clerk reported she is continuing to submit the monthly agenda and minutes to Pam Blomgren of the Team Mahaska web site. Council will be sent the web site link.

D. Fenton/Thomas alley sale – Discussion was tabled.

E. Linville Alley Sale – City Clerk will post in the Herald.

F. Sink Hole on Front Street – Parts for the water pipe has been received. Issue will fixed as weather permits in the


III. New Business:

A. Stephen Memorial Animal Shelter – No report.

B. Sheriff – No report.

C. Review 2011 Budget – The council reviewed the budget and made a change. Ron Ferree made a motion to

approve the budget with the change. Richard Thomas seconded. Motion carried. The City Clerk will post a copy

in the Herald with public notice announcing the March 8 meeting is open to the public for any discussion.

IV. Business from the floor:

A. Heartland Highway Corridor Master Plan – Mayor Shawn Maxwell explained the city will be required to adopt the plan.

B. Horse nuisance on South Grant – Council received notice the State of Iowa will not get involved. The issue will be re-added to the agenda and handled by the city of Beacon.

C. Council had discussion on the snow piles at the post office. For public safety, snow piles should be less than 10 feet as described in the city ordinance.

V. Next meeting date – March 8, 2011 at 7:00 p.m.

VI. Adjournment – Motion to adjourn was made by Ron Ferree and seconded by Tom VanDerVeer. Motion carried.