February 2020

 Beacon City Council Minutes

Tuesday, February 4th 2020

7:00 p.m.

I.    Call to Order- Mayor Jim Hughes called the meeting to order 7:02 p.m. City Council members present: Richard Thomas, Dwight Teeter, Ron Ferree, and Thomas Van Der Veer.

II.   General Business 

  1. Review Minutes from January 7th Meeting
  2. Treasurer’s Report
  3. Claims Report

Motion made to approve the consent agenda made by Dwight Teeter, seconded by Richard Thomas. All members voted in favor, motion approved.

 III.    Old Business           

  1. Hall Rentals- 1 hall rental in the month of January
  2. Clean-up & Animal Control- No report received from the Stephen Memorial Animal Shelter 
  3. Committee Reports- Thomas attended the Mahaska Co. EMA meeting, the meeting was spent on the FY budget.
  4. City Code Codification- Each council member has a copy of the draft manuscript. Council will review the draft manuscript at our special meeting on February 25th.
  5. New City Hall- No estimates have been received for bids to repair the current City Hall. Richard Thomas will contact contractors for bids for repair work for remodeling and/or an addition. Richard will contact another city council member to meet with the contractor(s) with him.
  6. 412 Reid Street- Attorney fees paid to acquire the property were $637. Lois will check to see what the cost of insurance is for the property.
  7. Altrusa Little Free Library Program- Council discussed installing the Little Free Library to the west of the city hall entrance ramp at the end of the building. Altrusa will contact us when they are ready to install the library.
  8. 28E Agreement for Police Protection- Motion made by Richard Thomas to void 28E Agreement voted on last month, seconded by Ron Ferree. Motion made to approve 28E Agreement drafted by the Mahaska Co. Supervisors for 83 hours at $42/hour approved by Thomas Van Der Veer, seconded by Richard Thomas.

IV.    New Business

  1. Public Hearing on max property tax dollars to certify for levy for FY2021- The mayor announced this is the time and place for the public hearing approving the proposed property tax levy. There were no oral or written comments received. The mayor declared said hearing closed.
  2. FY21 Maximum Property Tax Dollars Resolution 2-04-20 entitled “A RESOLUTION APPROVING FISCAL YEAR 2021 MAXIMUM PROPERTY TAX DOLLARS” was introduced. Dwight Teeter moved its approval, Ron Ferree seconded. All members voted in favor, motion approved.
  3. Notice of hearing on adoption of final FY2021 budget will be on Tuesday, February 25th at 7 p.m.- Mayor Jim Hughes announced that on Tuesday, February 25th the City of Beacon will have a public hearing on the adoption of the final budget.

V. Next Scheduled Council Meeting Tuesday, February 25th at 7 p.m.

VI. Adjournment- Motion made to adjourn by Dwight Teeter, seconded by Thomas Van Der Veer. All members voted in favor, motion approved. Meeting adjourned at 8:05 p.m.